Opening Your Pool

Our experienced, professional team will ensure your pool is ready for the summer!

BASIC POOL OPENINGS ($325 Taxes included)

When you choose Joel Evan Inground Pool Construction, rest assured your pool is in good hands.

pool openings
Opening Pool Service

Here’s what we do:

  • Remove plugs from the skimmer & return the inlets
  • Remove light winterizing plugs & install lights
  • Install ladder &/or diving board (if equipped)
  • Replace plugs in pump and heater (if equipped)

If sand filter:

  • Re-install the drain plug, pressure gauge & sight glass
  • Re-install the backwash hose (if equipped)
  • Switch the filter head to ‘filtration’

If cartridge filter:

  • Re-install the drain plug & pressure gauge
  • Re-assemble cartridges & filter body
  • Re-fasten clamp assembly

If the pool water level is sufficient:

  • Prime pump & re-establish water circulation
  • Check the plumbing system for leaks
  • Test heater operation

If the pool needs to be topped up:

  • Test pump motor operation
  • Pump water off the tarp
  • Remove & fold up the tarp/leaf net/safety cover
  • Empty & roll up water bags


Basic pool opening $325 taxes included
Opening with safety cover $425 taxes included
Opening with leafnet $475 taxes included
Opening with winter tarp $675 taxes included
Algicide and shock $45 taxes included
Bag of salt $25 each, taxes included
Opening Chemicals $52
Salt (per bag) $18

The Expert Pool Opening Service You Need for a Hassle-Free Summer

As summer approaches, nothing compares to the excitement of preparing your swimming pool for endless days of fun and relaxation. But tackling the pool opening process can be tedious and time-consuming. That’s where our expert pool opening service comes in, offering a hassle-free summer experience. From comprehensive pool opening packages to maintaining optimal water quality, we’ll handle every aspect of the process, leaving you more time to enjoy your pool.

Key Takeaways

  • Comprehensive pool opening packages tailored to individual requirements, with expert care and storage of your pool cover.
  • Professional services for optimal performance including filtration system maintenance and water quality management.
  • DIY tips and supplies to open your own pool safely with confidence.

Comprehensive Pool Opening Packages

Consider the luxury of having all your pool opening needs taken care of by a seasoned team of professionals. Our pool opening service offers just that, providing various packages to suit your unique requirements. Whether you need a basic, premium, or customized pool opening, we have you covered. With our expertise in pool openings, you can trust us to get the job done right.

Relieve yourself from the stress of dealing with pool equipment, winter covers, and chemical balancing. Allow our team to take over, preparing your pool for a memorable summer season.

Basic Pool Opening

Our basic pool opening package includes all the essential services to get your pool up and running. From cover removal and equipment inspection to chemical balancing, we ensure your pool is safe and clean for you and your family to enjoy. As our skilled team manages the process, you can turn your attention to planning enjoyable poolside gatherings, free from concerns about the intricate details of pool opening.

Premium Pool Opening

For those seeking a more thorough pool opening experience, our premium package offers additional services like pool vacuuming, heater cleaning, and algae prevention. Our team ensures your pool is meticulously cleaned and maintained, leaving you with crystal-clear water to dive into.

Our premium pool opening service guarantees your pool will maintain its excellent condition throughout the season.

Customized Pool Opening

We understand that every pool owner may have unique requirements and preferences, which is why our service department offers customized pool opening services tailored to your specific needs. From partial pump-off and cleaning schedules to equipment maintenance and repairs, our team will work closely with you to ensure a personalized pool opening experience that meets your expectations.

Pool Cover Care and Storage

Taking proper care of your pool cover is essential for its longevity and effectiveness. Our pool opening service includes expert care and storage of your pool cover, ensuring it remains in pristine condition for the next winter season.

You can rest easy as our team manages the removal, cleaning, and storage of your safety cover, safeguarding your investment.

Debris Removal

Debris on your pool cover can cause damage and affect its functionality. Our team removes debris from your pool cover efficiently, preventing potential damage and ensuring a clean and clear pool.

Our professional debris removal service ensures that your pool cover remains well-maintained and ready for use as required.

Proper Drying Techniques

Drying your pool cover properly is crucial to prevent mold and mildew growth that can lead to damage. Our team employs effective drying techniques to ensure your cover is thoroughly dried before storage, maintaining its integrity and prolonging its lifespan.

Our meticulous attention to detail affords you confidence in the care of your pool cover.

Safe Storage Tips

Storing your pool cover safely is vital to protect it from damage during the off-season. Our team provides guidance on the best practices for pool cover storage, ensuring it remains in excellent condition for future use.

Our expert advice offers the assurance that your pool cover, winterizing plugs, along with water bags, will be action-ready for the upcoming winter season.

Pool Equipment Inspection and Maintenance

A smooth pool opening process requires thorough inspection and maintenance of your pool equipment. Our pool opening service includes a comprehensive check of all your pool equipment, including:

  • Filtration systems
  • Heaters
  • Pumps
  • Skimmers
  • Valves
  • Chlorinators
  • Lights

This ensures optimal performance throughout the season.

Enjoy your pool with full confidence, knowing that it’s pool ready and in top working order under our expert team’s care.

Filtration System

A well-maintained filtration system is key to ensuring efficient water circulation and clarity in your pool. Our team offers the following services for your pool’s filtration system:

  • Inspection
  • Cleaning
  • Removal of debris
  • Ensuring proper functioning

Our meticulous care and attention ensure that your filtration system, designed to pump water, delivers crystal-clear water for a truly enjoyable swim.

Heating System

Your pool’s heating system plays a vital role in maintaining a comfortable water temperature for you and your family. Our team checks and cleans your pool’s heating system, ensuring it operates efficiently and provides you with the warmth you need for a relaxing swim.

Rely on our experts to maintain your pool’s heating system in peak condition, ensuring your enjoyment of the pool regardless of the weather.

Additional Equipment

From pumps to skimmers, additional pool equipment requires regular inspection and maintenance to ensure optimal performance. Our team takes care of any additional equipment your pool may have, providing thorough checks and maintenance services.

Our expert care guarantees your peace of mind, knowing all your pool equipment is operating at its optimum capacity.

Water Quality Management

Maintaining optimal water quality is essential for a safe and enjoyable swimming experience. Our pool opening service focuses on ensuring your pool’s water is clean, clear, and well-balanced. From testing and adjusting chemical levels to implementing proper filtration techniques, our team is committed to maintaining the highest water quality standards for your pool.

Testing and Adjusting Chemical Levels

Balanced chemical levels are crucial for a safe and comfortable swim. Our team tests and adjusts your pool’s chemical levels, ensuring the water is well-balanced and free of harmful contaminants.

Our expertise in water chemistry ensures your pool offers a healthy and enjoyable swimming environment for you and your family.

Shock Treatment

Shock treatment is a powerful method for eliminating bacteria and contaminants in your pool water. Our team performs a shock treatment, ensuring your pool water is clean, clear, and free of harmful bacteria.

Our expert shock treatment services allow you to enjoy your pool, free from worries about waterborne illnesses.

Preventing Algae Growth

Algae growth can be a persistent issue for pool owners, leading to unsightly water and potential health concerns. Our team takes preventive measures to inhibit algae growth, ensuring your pool remains clean and clear throughout the season.

Our expert guidance helps you keep your pool algae-free and maintain its pristine appearance.

Troubleshooting Common Pool Opening Issues

Pool opening can come with its fair share of challenges, but our team is here to help. We address common issues that may arise during the pool opening process, from leaks and plumbing problems to equipment malfunctions and water clarity concerns.

Our expert troubleshooting services ensure a smooth pool opening experience, devoid of any unexpected surprises.

Leaks and Plumbing Problems

Plumbing issues and leaks can be a major headache for pool owners, but our team is equipped to identify and address any problems that may arise. From detecting leaks to resolving plumbing issues and ensuring proper drain plugs installation, we ensure a seamless pool opening experience, so you can dive into your pool without any concerns.

Equipment Malfunctions

Pool equipment malfunctions can be frustrating and time-consuming, but our team is here to troubleshoot and resolve any issues that may occur. From filtration equipment to heating systems, we ensure all your pool equipment, including the pool’s equipment, is functioning optimally, so you can enjoy your pool without any interruptions.

Water Clarity Concerns

Water clarity issues can be a common concern during pool opening, but our team is here to help. By adjusting chemical levels and implementing proper filtration techniques, we address water clarity concerns and ensure your pool water is clean and clear.

Our expert guidance helps you maintain a pristine pool throughout the season.

DIY Pool Opening Tips and Supplies

For those who prefer a hands-on approach to pool opening, we offer guidance and supplies to tackle the process on your own. From essential supplies to step-by-step instructions, our team is here to support your DIY pool opening journey.

Our expert advice empowers you to successfully open your pool and relish the satisfaction of a job well done.

Essential Supplies

To ensure a successful DIY pool opening, it’s crucial to have the right supplies on hand. Here is a list of essential supplies to help you tackle the pool opening process with ease:

  • Pool chemicals
  • Testing strips
  • Skimmers
  • Vacuums

Our guidance ensures you are prepared and well-equipped with deck equipment, including diving boards, for your DIY pool opening endeavor.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Our team offers detailed, step-by-step instructions to guide you through the pool opening process, ensuring you have the knowledge and confidence to tackle the task yourself. From cover removal and equipment installation to chemical balancing, we’ll walk you through every aspect of the process, so you can enjoy the satisfaction of a successful DIY pool opening.

Safety Precautions

Safety is always a top priority, especially when it comes to pool opening. We emphasize the importance of safety precautions when opening your pool, from handling chemicals to operating equipment.

Our expert guidance guarantees a safe and enjoyable pool opening experience for you and your family.


In conclusion, our expert pool opening service provides a hassle-free experience, allowing you to enjoy a clean and well-maintained pool throughout the summer season. From comprehensive pool opening packages to addressing common issues and maintaining optimal water quality, our team is here to ensure a smooth and enjoyable pool opening experience. Whether you prefer a professional service or a DIY approach, our experts are here to support you every step of the way.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is involved in opening a pool?
  • How do I open an inground pool in Canada?
  • What types of pool opening packages do you offer?
  • How do you ensure my pool cover is properly cared for and stored?
  • Can you troubleshoot and resolve common pool opening issues?